I met my upline, Mary Fish, for the first time! 80+ members of Mary's Pals group were in attendance and cheered as Mary received awards for #1 in Recruiting, #1 in Leadership and #3 in Sales.
The awards event was followed by a county fair themed gathering, mechanical bull (which my room mate rode) and all! It was a very inspiring and fun event. Once I receive my box of swaps, I'll share some of them with you.
One of the highlights was receiving a copy of the upcoming holiday catalog and LOTS of product sneak peaks, make and takes and "play time". I have several classes in mind for fall, so stay tuned for more details. If you are interested in a holiday catalog, please leave a comment or email your address to me. Catalogs will be sent in August and I can place your orders beginning August 28th.
Prior to leaving Salt Lake City on Sunday morning, I was able to take in "Music and the Word" with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Another amazing experience!
On to the Weekly Deals! To purchase any of these items, simply click on the photo and you'll go directly to my online store.
Be sure to check back for more updates from convention.
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